When you put your money in the bank these days you get virtually nothing by way of interest. The bank however, takes your money and invests it in mortgages, from which they make a very pretty penny indeed. If you’re tired of the bank making huge profits with your money while you make nothing there is something you can do to turn the tables: it’s called mortgage investing. Mortgage investing in Toronto makes sense in a variety of ways and is not as complex or difficult as you think. RMAI/Loancentral.ca can help you sift through the rumours and myths and start profiting from this extraordinary opportunity.
The Fine Points of Mortgage Investing in Toronto
There are many Torontonians whose copious savings are underperforming. Those savings typically reside with the local banker who uses them to invest in mortgages and get rich. If you would like to be the one to profit from your money instead of the banker you should consider mortgage investing.
- Who is borrowing? – Many people who go to the bank for a mortgage are turned down for more reasons than we can get into here. After being rejected by the bank however many of these people refuse to give up on their dreams and seek out private financing. In other words, they look to people like you who have cash on hand and are keen to put it to work.
- How much is required to start investing? – Mortgages are usually large sums of money so trying to become a mortgage lender with a couple of thousand dollars isn’t going to work in most cases. But that doesn’t mean you need millions. If you are pooling your money with others you could get started with as little as $25,000. If you are going it alone you’ll likely need at least $100,000. If this sounds like something you’d like to pursue RMAI/Loancentral.ca can help you get started.
- Who does all the paperwork? – As a mortgage investor you make the money available and the licensed mortgage broker (that would be RMAI/Loancentral.ca in this case) does the rest. The relative simplicity of it is something that takes a lot of people by surprise. They wind up mad at themselves for not having pursued mortgage investing earlier.
- What are the risks? – Any time anyone lends money there is risk involved. That is a given. The thing about mortgage investing however, is that you don’t have to be a finance major or spend your days interviewing mortgage applicants. You entrust that work to the professionals at RMAI/Loancentral.ca . We eliminate the ne’er do wells and place your money with those most likely to honour the repayment terms.
Getting Started
To get started with mortgage investing in Toronto contact RMAI/Loancentral.ca . We’ll take the time to explain all your options in a clear, concise manner. If you decide to proceed you can rest assured we will treat your investment with the care and consideration it deserves. Call us today to learn more.